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What is Pic a Second? is the first website to sell time. Now you can buy time in seconds of one whole day! Choose your pictures & links per second and we display them every day.

How does it work?

It is easy. You

  • buy time in seconds
  • upload pictures & links per second
  • and your pictures will be displayed & linked every day at your seconds

What's in it for me?

You are the owner of time! How cool is that? By picking your desired seconds you can share pictures of special moments of your family and friends, show your creative or artistic side, advertise your brands, services or products and link them to your website.

What's the price?

It is 1 EUR per second. The earlier you buy the cheaper it is. See Pic a Second for more on pricing.

What can I upload?

Pictures - each with a link if you want. Any picture and link is okay as long as it is not illegal, offensive and you have the rights to post it. So please be cool and check our Terms and Conditions if you are unsure about this.

Get inspired:

The more creative you are the more people will click your picture. Try to create a series of pictures. It catches much more attention. Here are some ideas:

  • Emotional
    • great moments, wedding, greeting
    • family & friends together
    • favorite football team
  • Business
    • your products and services
    • claim, call to action, vision
    • art, creative photos, paintings
    • courses, yoga workout, do it yourself
  • Video
  • Time
    • birthday, wedding, anniversary date
    • founded in 1949? Pic 00:19:49 or 19:49:00. It fits!
    • proud of your area code 1210? Pic 00:12:10 or 12:10:00. Represent!

or get inspired by the ones already posted or by the Top100.


You may upload pictures in JPEG, JPG, PNG or GIF format. You will be able to scale and set the desired frame during upload accordingly. If you do not edit your pictures during upload, they will be resized and cropped to the final resolution of 800x600 pixels automatically.


You may link to websites, Facebook, Google+ and any other site which is in line with our Terms and Conditions.

When is my second displayed?

The time displayed on the homepage is taken from the time of your operating system. If you buy for example 09:45:30 it will be displayed at 09:45:30 regardless of the time zone.

Can I search a second?

Yes. Go to the homepage and hover over the picture. Either navigate with the arrows or search your preferred second in the appearing navigation bar.

Can I upload pictures without having an URL?


How long will the website be online?

It should be online forever.

Can I change my second, picture or link afterwards?

If there is no significant reason, the uploaded content cannot be changed anymore.

Which seconds are available?

Go to Pic a Second. Choose your preferred hour, minute and second. If the second is grey it is either already taken or it will be available at a later time. Moreover, on the homepage all pictures with the click&pick watermark are or will be available soon.

Can one second be sold more than one time?

Your space in time is unique. Your second, picture or link cannot be resold.

Where can I find more information?

More information, recent news, contests, development of this website, funny, creative, extraordinary pictures and much more can be found on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Reddit, Flickr, Imgur, StumbleUpon.

buy seconds - upload pictures & links - displayed every day at your second
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